To the public, the most northern area of Sunnyvale is known for great trails that run along the bay. For the City of Sunnyvale, this area is more than trails but an active landfill area that requires careful maintenance and monitoring. What looks like open trails crosses landfill space.

Constant usage of these pathways has resulted in the protective layer slowly eroding over time.  As required by federal and state laws, the City of Sunnyvale is required to prevent exposure of buried garbage and landfill cover. As a result, Sunnyvale developed an erosion mitigation project to improve the integrity of the landfill cover.

Starting June 4, the public will see work begin in this area of Sunnyvale. There is potential for road and bridge closures to pedestrians and bicyclists. Also expect increased maintenance vehicle traffic. The work will continue through the summer of 2018.

For information contact Solide Waste program at 408/730-7262.

Landfill Erosion Project