The ATP is a year-long effort, started in April 2019, by the City of Sunnyvale to create a plan that will address bicycle, pedestrian and Safe Routes to School needs throughout Sunnyvale.

Recommended programs and future projects will be guided by a technical analysis that includes:

  • Bicycling and pedestrian collision history
  • Locations of bicycling and walking demand
  • Current needs and gaps within the bicycling and pedestrian network
  • Existing infrastructure and right-of-way constraints

The City needs public input to help guide the process. To provide your voice you can:

  • Take the online survey and use the input map at . Closing on October 16th
  • In addition, save the date for our December 5th workshop to unveil initial recommendations.

The results of the ATP will impact planning documents, transportation guidelines, and other relevant policies and documents. Therefore, to be part of the public process and stay informed subscribe here with Sunnyvale.